Thursday, November 15, 2007

Numerus Subtracticus!

Holy shit. Can you imagine them trying to get this to fly in an American school, no matter how badly it was performing?

I can almost hear the Pope's head exploding.

But you can't argue with the results of this previously-failing, now Top 5% Primary school in England. Can't wait to see this duplicated in University.

Fun quote:

During the most recent visit from Ofsted, the inspector witnessed a maths lesson where the children were motivated to learn about subtraction by pretending that it is a magic formula created by Harry Potter.

Pupils were not allowed to answer questions without first saying a spell - "numerus subtracticus", which they devised themselves.

The official report describes achievement at the school as "outstanding".

"Pupils enter the school with standards well below average. Over the last three years, standards and achievement have improved greatly and were above average in Key Stage 2 tests in 2006," it says.

"Pupils are enthusiastic about their work in mathematics and particularly enjoy practical tasks and those that allow them to investigate mathematics. Some pupils said they enjoyed calculations because they knew what they were doing and they liked getting things right."

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