This is for Amy...

My girlfriend and I bought a house back in June and have been renovating it. It's a 20's-era house and we're decorating it in 50's era retro, a style she and I both love.
While looking around for stuff, I hit across a wonderful gallery of portraits taken by Jennifer Greenburg documenting the "Rockabilly" sub-culture. Not only are the photos amazing, but the rooms in which the subjects pose become equally important and fascinating characters in the min-stories the portraits tell. Great stuff!
I am so so happy for you. :)
Thanks! I am really happy... It's nice. =)
Believe me, I know just how you feel. Happy and content. I'm glad you got a job, too. Things are really looking up for you. I seriously could not be happier for you - you deserve it!
Thanks, Kristin. Hope things are going well for you, too!
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