Thursday, December 20, 2007

Christmas Update

I'll likely be distracted by family and holiday activities to post next week, but I wanted to let anyone reading what's going on with the book.

First, I managed to show up in Heidi Ruby Miller's "Pick Six" interview section (thanks so much, Heidi!) - you can read my fascinating answers to her questions HERE. It's probably not anything new to anyone that's been reading my old posts, but it was a fun exercise anyway. Maybe I should have focused on questions like "Celebrity Crush" (definitely Kate Bush when I was a young man... evolving to the much more kick-ass-tic Sarah Michelle Geller ne: Buffy later on), or perhaps "Food You Could Eat Every Day" (sushi, sushi and more sushi, please).


I also wanted everyone to know that I'm practically finished with the finale for Nights of Sin - I've been working hard nearly every morning at Panera Bread before work and the odd evening, trying to meet Juno's deadline. The finale is much grander this time around, with many more moving parts, and keeping track of everything in discreet, hour-long chunks of time is... challenging... to say the least. I'm feeling pretty good about it though and I look forward to getting the end result into the hands of my crack beta-reading team by New Year's.

Here's hoping that everyone's holidays are happy and joyous, filled with the warmth of friendship and family.


The Undead Rat said...

I just saw your answers in Heidi's Pick Six and thought "Hot Damn, another Ohio author!" And Kirin . . . Now I have to get a copy of Blood Magic not only for the library that I work at but for my own personal library. "Sweetlings" . . . my gosh, who'd have thunk . . . I'm excited just by the idea -- and as an undead rat, I can sometimes be pretty jaded.

I offer you my best wishes for this holiday season and for your work on Nights of Sin.

--Greg "The Undead Rat" Fisher

Matt Cook said...

Heh. Thanks, Greg. Gosh - my book in a library. There's something just so fulfilling about the thought of that. Seeing as I use my local library all the time, that really feels like some sort of badge of honor.